Book review: The Spanish Love Deception


Title: The Spanish Love Deception

Author: Elena Armas

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

Release Date: February 23rd 2021


This is the debut novel you dream of writing.

I’ve been sitting in front of my screen for a while, wondering how to start this particular review. I’ll make sure to say this right away, this will end up as one of my absolute favorite books of 2021. In fact, it’ll end up on my list of favorite books ever.

Maybe that’s why it’s so difficult to find the word to truly convey how I feel about this book. God knows, I’ve bugged Elena enough about in DMs, updating her on every chapter as if she didn’t know what happened in her own book.

This book make me laugh, it made swoon, it made me cry, but most of all it gave me a book hangover like you would not believe. After finishing the novel and actually crying over it, it just stayedwith me. I did not feel like starting a new book, I wanted to stay with these characters for a little while longer.

The Spanish Love Deception is a story of learning how to trust and love again. It is an enemies to lovers romance, sprinkled with a touch of fake dating and closed proximity, and the most wonderful slow burn, you could ever wish for. I’m serious, I was on the edge of my seat at times, almost screaming at Lina and Aaron to kiss.

Aaron and Catalina have worked next to each other for almost two years, however they’re not each other’s biggest fans. That’s why it’s such a surprise that Aaron offers to be Lina’s (Catalina) date for her sister’s wedding back home in Spain. A wedding where Lina is supposed to show off her loving boyfriend, showing her family and ex-fiancé that she is thriving in NYC. As they get more and more into the whole fake relationship, things and feelings start to get real or do they?

Catalina is such a wonderful stubborn character, a wonderful person, and she’s wicked smart. Aaron Blackford is my new book boyfriend, I am obsessed with him. He’s grumpy, a subtle flirt, and just so perfect. We also stan a man who asks for consent!

I was absolutely giddy at points, I cried, and whew the steam was delicious. This is a slow burn that equals those of Mariana Zapata, so if you’re into enemies-to-lovers, fake dating, office romance and great characters with a beautifully written story, then make sure to pick this up.

I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next novel, congratulations on this debut, you blew it out of the park.

Arch kindly provided by Elena Armas in exchange for an honest review.1.png

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